Space elevators is one of those cool science fiction concepts that you hope might actually become real one day. But even future advancements in technology will be obsolete at some point and operations will be shut down.

Asimovs January/February 2025

The premise of this story is a farewell party on a space elevator as the company is shutting down its operation as it has been unprofitable for years and overtaken by a new type of faster and cheaper spaceship. People who have worked on the space elevator for many years share stories and have general reminiscent conversations.

Not much really happens, though we do get one dramatic story told by our protagonist, but it is generally a pleasant read that has a nostalgic feeling despite being about a future technology.

There is also an interview with the author on the magazine’s blog From Earth to the Stars.

Read in Asimov’s January/February 2025
Rating: 3